Questions from Shipka

  1. What, specifically, is this piece trying to accomplish—above and beyond satisfying the basic requirements outlined in the task description? In other words, what work does, or might, this piece do? For whom? In what contexts?
  2. What specific rhetorical, technological, and material choices did you make in service of accomplishing the goal(s) articulated above?—This is the longest section of the student’s statement of goals and purposes as it is comprised of all the specific choices he/she made in his/her work.
  3. Why did you end up pursuing this plan as opposed to others you may have thought of? How did the various choices listed above allow you to accomplish things that other sets or combinations of choices would not have?—For the majority of the tasks assigned students need to come up with three or four plans of action, or alternate goal structures, for approaching the task.
  4. Who and/or what helped you accomplish your goals?

Jody Shipka, “Sound engineering: Toward a theory of multimodal soundness,” Computers and Composition 23 (2006) p 360.


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2 responses to “Questions from Shipka

  1. James

    Are the questions supposed to be completed as an assignment for tomorrow’s class?

  2. johnoc

    No, these were just questions I excerpted from Shipka that are good to keep in mind.

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